
RESTO 24H - 1 Sunday Lunch Meal

Sunday Lunch Meal
Sales price 14,00 €
Total: 14,00 €
Total discount:

Meals can only be booked on this website BEFORE 30 JUNE.

The SUNDAY LUNCH MEAL is served at the RESTO 24 H ROLLERS in the ROLLERS village.


Different menu for each meal consisting FOR ENTRY OF A HOT DISH and A DESSERT and UAE

  • INPUT: Salad (Piedmont, Salad ...)
  • HOT DISH: Chicken, veal, grilled ham, pork, sole, salmon cod ...
  • PAIRING: Rice, pasta, mixed vegetables ...
  • DESSERT: tart apples, tart fruit, custard, grilled apple, yogurt ...


  • Sunday Lunch :

2 services : 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

2 native languages in this website




retour24rollers 2023

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